I made this little auto battler for the Pirate game jam January 2025. 

The twist is that you can customize your units to make them bit cheated ( like too much attack speed or things like that ). 

It's not balanced ( half on purpose, half not ) I could not polish it further but I hope if you try it you have a bit of fun :).

How to play: 

- Buy some units, 

- Click on your units in the bottom panel to see their stats, you'll be able to upgrade them and buy items or even an ability from there. 

- Press Deploy to deploy your units

- Press Battle,

- Repeat

I bought the assets from



sound effects https://leohpaz.itch.io/rpg-essentials-sfx-free

music from https://bit-by-bit-sound.itch.io/16-bit-starter-pack


AutoPixelClash2.zip 12 MB
AutoPixelClashJAm.zip 12 MB


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Great game!
I just beat it and I hope there was more of it

Thanks a lot ! Glad that you liked it :)